Consulting activities and training laboratories for the companies that are focusing on empowering people skills
Exclusive growth patterns and skills assessment to support the training of inner structures, sales network and after-sale
Design and development of training technologic infrastructures and e-learning based digital contents
All our products and services are totally customizable and based on your needs.
Do you want to know more? Talk to our team
Exploratory meeting focused on identifying company specific needs and growth perspectives
Tailored e-learning tools design and development
Performance checking and customized report processing
Edulife S.p.A. educational method features every learning project we offer, designing person centered training courses and giving value to experiences while making active and collaborative involvement to human and professional growth
We share the same future vision and co-work constantly to offer to our clients a wide range of high quality services
We are proud of our direct links with worldwide realities, in China and Ecuador, that make us more aware and skilled about the learning world
Edulife S.p.A. Benefit Society has achieved the B Corp certification, and this ensures that high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency are met. B Corps are committed to creating value not only for shareholders, but for all stakeholders: people, customers, communities and the environment.
Note on Certification
In the statute, clear objectives of common benefit and towards people, communities, territories and the environment have been formalized.
Download the common benefit objectives of Edulife S.p.A. Benefit Company
At Edulife, a system for receiving and managing reports is operational, which can be activated by employees as well as external parties, concerning any non-compliance with the law, internal rules, and the Code of Ethics, as well as the Corporate Administrative Responsibility (Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/01), fraud, and conflicts of interest. This procedure, known as ‘Whistleblowing,’ ensures the highest degree of confidentiality and privacy in handling the received communications, to protect the whistleblower, the reported party, and the people involved.The sole channel for reporting is accessible at the following link: ACCESS TO THE REPORTING PLATFORM
It is possible to access a training tutorial on the procedure and the adopted reporting platform. LINK TO THE TUTORIAL
Edulife’s ISO 9001 System integrates and coordinates all the other subsystems. The codification of the main processes, the definition of objective and measurable qualitative indicators and the continuous monitoring and improvement make it possible to extend this virtuous circle in a homogeneous way to all the other codified or certified subsystems.
Download the Integrated policy and the ISO 9001:2015 Certification
This management system, focused in particular on the security and integrity of information and on the continuity of the service, represents one of the most severe Certifications envisaged in the ICT (Information and communication technology) world and provides for a careful risk assessment and a consequent plan of continuous improvement.
Download the ISO 27001:2013 Certification
These guidelines represent a solid methodological reference in terms of the risk management process: from the definition of the scenario, to the actual assessment of the risk, up to the precise and concrete definition of the actions aimed at treating the same. The process is not only applicable to other systems (ISO 9001 and ISO 27001), but also to specific processes related to the generation of value.
Edulife SpA, sensitive to the need to spread and consolidate the culture of transparency and integrity, aware of the importance of ensuring conditions of fairness in the conduct of business and company activities to protect its position and image, has adopted a “Organization, management and control model” in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, n. 231.
Download the Ethical Code
Edulife S.p.A., very attentive to the issue of data protection of its Stakeholders, has taken all the necessary measures to be compliant with EC regulation 679/16, better known as GDPR.
Download the Customer Information pursuant to REG. UE 679/16
Download the Information on Suppliers pursuant to REG. UE 679/16
Edulife S.p.A. Società Benefit is committed to promoting and ensuring gender equality within its organization, in accordance with the principles of equality and non-discrimination, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda and the Italian National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) developed within the framework of the EU Next Generation program.
Download the Gender Equality Policy
Download the Certification
Edulife Spa – Benefit Corporation
Lungadige Galtarossa, 21
37133 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +390459696300
Fax. +390459696301
P.IVA 03331230270
C.F. 03137420232
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