Edulife S.p.A. is a Benefit Corporation
Experience as discover and growth opportunity
Edulife Platform
Training support built around your needs
A new way of thinking about learning
Digital Contents
When visual becomes training


Services and products for every learning need.

Since 20 years we help companies managing changes through personal growth based projects. Our know-how and our method focused on your needs

Consulting activities and training laboratories for the companies that are focusing on empowering people skills

Exclusive growth patterns and skills assessment to support the training of inner structures, sales network and after-sale

Design and development of training technologic infrastructures and e-learning based digital contents

We are sure that professional and human potential can be empowered thanks to a person needs centered training

Tailored Approach

All our products and services are totally customizable and based on your needs.

Do you want to know more? Talk to our team

How does it work?


Exploratory meeting focused on identifying company specific needs and growth perspectives


Tailored e-learning tools design and development


Performance checking and customized report processing

Our Method

Edulife S.p.A. educational method features every learning project we offer, designing person centered training courses and giving value to experiences while making active and collaborative involvement to human and professional growth

Trained Persons
Training hours


We are part of a companies ecosystem following the same goal: making the workplace a chance to grow and learn continuously while discovering talents and build a companies network with a global positive impact on society

We share the same future vision and co-work constantly to offer to our clients a wide range of high quality services

Edulife Worldwide

We are proud of our direct links with worldwide realities, in China and Ecuador, that make us more aware and skilled about the learning world



Contact Us

    Why choose Edulife?

    Since 20 years Edulife deals with learning processes innovation, learning and talents development

    Edulife Spa – Benefit Corporation
    Lungadige Galtarossa, 21
    37133 Verona (Italy)
    Tel. +390459696300
    Fax. +390459696301
    P.IVA 03331230270
    C.F. 03137420232
    Privacy Policy